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Smart Cards
Smart Cards are the best way for frequent golfers to enjoy Moose Run Golf Course. They offer a discount off of the daily fees and are maintained electronically under your account so there are no more paper cards to carry.
Active-duty military, retirees, veterans, and DoD personnel may purchase 10 and 25-rounds cards.
Civilians may purchase 10-round cards.

Ship Creek crossing hole 3 on the Creek Course
Military Smart Cards
10 Rounds - $180
25 Rounds - $450
E5+, DoD, and Veterans
10 Rounds - $261
25 Rounds - $652
Civilian Smart Cards
10 Rounds - $504
Senior Civilians
10 Rounds - $477
Cards are loaded with 20 or 50 punches.
One punch redeems 9 holes, 2 punches redeems 18 holes.
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